Starting on May 8th, 2024, students in Massachusetts in grades 3 and above will be directed to complete a short, 8-question survey. Student surveys are extremely valuable to our entire community in Massachusetts. The data gathered can help us make the case for continued resources, supports, and grant funding for schools in the state.
Results will be used solely for the purposes of helping support implementation of ST Math in Massachusetts and to evaluate the efficacy of the program. Survey responses will not be used to evaluate student, teacher, or school performance. Survey results will be de-identified in order to keep all personal data completely secure.
- The student survey is built into the ST Math platform and is only for students in grades 3 and above.
- Upon logging into ST Math for the first time on (or after) May 8th, students will be asked to take this 8-question survey before accessing the regular ST Math learning platform.
- If you teach grades 3 and above, please have your students complete their survey during class time and ask them to take it seriously. Please do not assign it as homework.
- The survey should take no more than 15 minutes.
Background on the survey design
The student survey was developed and designed in partnership with academic researchers with expertise in studying student motivation. The questions and survey design are based on a previous survey that went through student interviews to ensure the cognitive validity by conducting cognitive interviews with a sample of elementary-aged children to ensure they are able to accurately interpret questions, elaborate on their reasoning for answers, and choose answers congruent with those reasons.
As students select their answers to the questions, they will see Paco making a face that matches the answer they have given. See a sample question screen below.