The Administrator Report is run weekly to help you manage your ST Math implementation and ensure student progress and learning outcomes. This report tab can be found in your Administrator console and can be exported as an .xlsx file by using the orange Actions menu (see below).
How Many Students Played - Total number of ST Math students who signed in during that time period.
Total # of Students - Total number of students in the School, Grade, or Class.
Total Puzzles Completed - Total number of puzzles earned by students. Puzzles are earned when students complete a level the first time.
# of Students With Unresolved 'High-Tries' Alerts - Total number of students (in a school, grade, or class) with unresolved "High-Tries" alerts which is 10 or more tries at a level.
Average % Completion - How much of a year's worth of puzzles (depending on their grade level) students have completed. Journey Objectives and Assignments both award progress the first time through.
PK and TK - 750 puzzles
K-1 - 1800 puzzles
2-8 - 2200 puzzles
You can see historical data by using the Date Range dropdown.
Note: The Usage tab shows up-to-date information while the Report tab is a static snapshot
To export the data as an XLSX (spreadsheet) file, click the Export Report button. Alternatively, you can click Print to print the data on the screen.
Administrators can manage their weekly reports to receive this data via email. Visit
Managing weekly administrator reports for more information.