Textbook correlations have been developed to support teachers in using ST Math as an instructional tool. It is important to note that these are textbook correlations, not alignments. ST Math aligns to state standards; we do not align, nor claim to align to any textbook. Our textbook correlations are not designed to replace the grade level Journey which has been designed to support student's development of a strong mathematical schema. Learn more in this document about the Curriculum Design Principles of ST Math. Because students move through ST Math at their own pace, students who need more time with a concept might not be ready to move on when the class math lessons do.
With that in mind, the correlation documents provide teachers with the opportunity to do the following:
- Assign students to play specific objectives that support topics you are currently teaching, provide intervention on prior topics, or give students a preview of topics that are coming up.
- Engage students in mathematical discussions around specific games in a whole group or small group setting that address topics for which students need additional support.
- Identify a Puzzle Talk that can be used to launch a topic or teach intervention content.
- Use the Assignments feature to assign objectives to students who are struggling with specific topics.
** If you would like to link Puzzle Talks in your lesson plans or curriculum, please use the links or spreadsheet found on this Puzzle Talk Linking Page. **