Digital Journey and Digital Assignments
ST Math provides two unique opportunities that allow early learners to engage in games and puzzles when they log into their ST Math account. Understanding the differences between these options will help Early Learning educators create the best learning experience for their students.
The following chart outlines the key distinctions between the Digital Journey and Digital Assignment opportunities, highlighting how they influence both the teacher and the student experience.
[Click the image to open a larger view of the chart in a new tab.]
Journey Access Settings
In addition to the Digital Journey and Digital Assignments options, teachers also have the ability to change the access settings. By navigating to the Class Settings tab from the teacher dashboard, and scrolling down to the Curriculum section, teachers can choose from several Journey Access options.
The chart below highlights some of the features, benefits, and student experiences included in each access setting.
[Click the image to open a larger view of the chart in a new tab.]
Interested in learning more about the Student Journey? Read more here.
Wondering about the differences between a student's Journey, Assignments, and History? Read more here.