Puzzle Talks are a great way to incorporate ST Math into your classroom and engage student thinking, strategy discussions, and mathematical connections. In addition to the Puzzle Talk Facilitation Guides found on ST Math Puzzle Talks, here are additional resources:
The Puzzle Talk Facilitation Guide & Bookmark provide support for each phase of a Puzzle Talk including helpful routines and strategies to guide your discussion. |
The Math Discourse Hand Signals Poster provides a guide for students as they share their mathematical thinking during Puzzle Talks. |
The Engagement Strategies lists some strategies that can be incorporated into your Puzzle Talk lesson to engage students in mathematical discussions. |
The Puzzle Talk Model Reflection is a document to take notes, jot down questions, and set goals while reflecting on a model Puzzle Talk. |
The Puzzle Talk Planner can be used to plan your own Puzzle Talks using the Problem Solving Process. |
The Problem Solving Process and Math Practice Standards correlates the Problem Solving Process and the Standards for Mathematical Practice in use with Puzzle Talks. |
The Puzzle Talks Walkthrough serves as a supporting document for teachers as they plan to integrate Puzzle Talks into the classroom. |
Suggested ST Math Games lists games for grades K-8 where Puzzle Talks can be used to engage a mathematical discourse with students. |
Puzzle Talks and the Standards provides the correlations between Puzzle Talks and the Math Standards for grades K-5. |
The Puzzle Talk Teacher Overview provides information about using Legacy Puzzle Talks. |