This article is for legacy customers that utilize our 6 file rostering via sftp. This is a series of questions to help ensure your files meet requirements and avoid common errors. If you need further assistance with your files or errors, please contact ST Math support at support@mindresearch.org.
Download the 6 File Templates here: 6file_rostering.zip
When building your files:
- Are your files named correctly?
- schools.csv
- teachers.csv
- sections.csv
- enrollments.csv
- students.csv
- admins.csv
- Do your header names match the template exactly? Do not delete optional headers names/columns from your uploaded files.
Certain fields are required and certain fields are used in multiple files and must match across files:
- Required fields are bold.
Matching fields across files are color coordinated.
schools.csv teachers.csv sections.csv enrollments.csv students.csv admins.csv school_id school_id school_id school_id school_id school_id school_name teacher_id section_id section_id student_id staff_id school_number teacher_email course_name student_id first_name admin_email state_id first_name teacher_id middle_name first_name low_grade middle_name teacher_2_id last_name last_name high_grade last_name teacher_3_id grade admin_title principal title teacher_4_id username principal_email teacher_number name password school_address state_teacher_id section_number login_type school_city grade gender school_state course_number dob school_zip course_description student_email school_phone course_subject student_number period state_id term_name term_start term_end
When building your required schools.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
Do you have data in the required fields on schools.csv?
- school_id
- school_name
- Are your school_id(s) unique across the district?
school_id is used in all files. Do your school_id(s) match on all files?
- schools.csv
- teachers.csv
- sections.csv
- enrollments.csv
- students.csv
- admins.csv
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
When building your required teachers.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
Do you have data in the required fields on teachers.csv?
- school_id
- teacher_id
- teacher_email
- first_name
- last_name
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
- Do the school_id(s) match a school_id on schools.csv?
Are your teacher_id(s) unique and constant across the district?
- If IDs must be changed, please contact support@mindresearch.org as changing IDs will result in errors for the account and may result in lost access.
- Do the teacher_id(s) match teacher_id(s) on sections.csv?
- Are your teacher_email(s) the teacher’s district assigned email addresses?
- Are your teacher_email(s) unique across the district?
- Do the teacher_email(s) have no special characters other than a hyphen or underscore?
When building your required sections.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
Do you have data in the required fields on sections.csv?
- school_id
- section_id
- course_name
- teacher_id
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
- Do the school_id(s) match a school_id on schools.csv?
- Are your section_id(s) unique and constant across the district?
- Do the section_id(s) match section_id(s) on enrollments.csv?
- Do the teacher_id(s) match teacher_id(s) on teachers.csv?
When building your required enrollments.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
Do you have data in the required fields on enrollments.csv?
- school_id
- section_id
- student_id
- Do the school_id(s) match a school_id on schools.csv?
- Do the section_id(s) match section_id(s) on sections.csv?
- Do the student_id(s) match student_id(s) on students.csv?
When building your required students.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
Do you have data in the required fields on students.csv?
- school_id
- student_id
- last_name
- first_name
- grade
- username
- password
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
- Do the school_id(s) match a school_id on schools.csv?
Are your student_id(s) unique and constant across the district?
- If IDs must be changed, please contact support@mindresearch.org as changing IDs will result in errors for the account and may result in lost progress or access.
- Do the student_id(s) match student_id(s) on enrollments.csv?
Are your grades mapped per instructions?
Rostering Value PreKindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Field Value (not case sensitive) -2, pk, prek, or Prekindergarten
-1, Transitional Kindergarten, or tk
0, Kinder, Kindergarten, k, or kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - Are your username(s) unique and constant across the district?
- Did you provide a password?
Is login_type (optional field) one of the following:
- text
- visual
- blank (no type provided will default to text)
When building your optional admins.csv:
- Do your header names match the template exactly?
Do you have data in the required fields on admins?
- school_id
- staff_id
- admin_email
- first_name
- last_name
- Be careful if you have any leading zeros to always include the leading zeros on all files.
- Do the school_id(s) match a school_id on schools.csv?
Did you include only school administrators and staff without sections that need access to ST Math?
- Teachers with sections should only be in teachers.csv.
Are your staff_id(s) unique and constant across the district?
- If IDs must be changed, please contact support@mindresearch.org as changing IDs will result in errors for the account and may result in lost access.
- Are your admin_email(s) the admin’s district assigned email addresses?
- Are your admin_email(s) unique across the district?
- Do the admin_email(s) have no special characters other than a hyphen or underscore?
Is admin_title (optional field) one of the following:
- principal
- school admin
- Blank (no title provided)
When submitting your files:
- Did you follow the instructions for uploading roster files to a sftp?
- Are your files in the /home folder within your sftp?
- Did you upload all required files with all active data?
- Remember: Any data removed from the CSV files will be removed from ST Math.
- Are your files named correctly?
- schools.csv
- enrollments.csv
- sections.csv
- teachers.csv
- students.csv
- admins.csv
- Did you upload your files by 9 pm your district's local time?
- If these are your first set of files or you are actively working with your Regional Implementation Manager, did you email your Regional Implementation Manager when you uploaded your files?
Ongoing/Year to Year Rostering:
- Contact ST Math support at support@mindresearch.org in the following situations:
- When you begin submitting roster files with data for a new school year.
- school_id(s) change.
- student_id(s) change.
- staff_id(s) change.
- teacher_id(s) change.
- email(s) change.
If you need further assistance with your files or errors, please contact ST Math support at support@mindresearch.org.