The Standards tab will give you a quick, big picture look at your class.
To support monitoring and data-informed decision-making, the Standards tab provides detailed information about the ST Math content students have completed for each domain and standard.
While ST Math is a supplemental program and does not align to all of the grade-level standards, it does align to the key focus areas of each grade.
Each ST Math Objective is designed to address one or, more often, multiple standards within a topic domain. This allows students to develop a schema of math as interrelated and connected concepts which has been shown to increase understanding and raise test scores.
When expanded, progress through the ST Math Objective that supports that standard appears. When closed, the percents show student progress through standards in that domain.
How can a student get 100% in a domain on the Standards Report but still have gray boxes when the domain is expanded?
This can happen when a student has completed the Objectives for that standard in a previous year.
For more information, see Viewing Objectives by Standard.