There are now several ways to view student quiz data!
Educator Console:
- Quiz scores by Objective
- Quiz scores by Student
- Quiz Scores in the Student Detail Report
- Viewing Quiz Items
Student Console:
Quiz scores by Objective
Open an Objective by clicking on one from a data column, the Objectives tab, or through All Learning Objectives. Within an opened Objective, select the Students tab. Scroll down to see the progress and the quiz scores for each student. Specific student responses can be viewed by clicking on a quiz score.
Quiz scores by Student
Pre- and post-quiz scores can be viewed by going to the Student's Objectives tab.
Viewing Quiz Items
Quiz items can be reviewed in the Objective on the Quiz tab (click on the Objective name anywhere in the Educator Experience to go to that Objective). You can select to view the pre-quiz and the post-quiz in either English or Spanish. For steps on how to change a student's quiz language visit: How do I change a student's quiz language?
Viewing Quizzes from a Student Account
Students can review their quiz after they take it. They can go back to view their quiz scores at any time by clicking the History button (the clock icon in the lower right of their screen). Their pre- and post-quiz scores for each Objective will be on the right side of the screen.