Teachers can assign specific Objectives to their classes or to individual students. They can assign Objectives from any grade level.
Students will have access to their assigned grade-level Objectives in the Journey. Teachers can make additional Assignments as a way to supplement the journey with content from other grade levels or to surface content that teachers want students to work on right now. If assignments are provided to students, teachers will need to guide students on when to play the Journey content or Assignments content.
When an Assignment is set, only students who have not yet completed that content will be prompted to play it.
Assignments allow you to:
- Assign Objectives from any grade level to the entire class or individual students.
- Reorder Objectives in students’ Assignments.
- View progress on assigned Objectives.
Why you might want to use Assignments:
- Use class assignments to have all students play the same objective when introducing, teaching, or reviewing a concept.
- Use Class Assignments to provide whole class access to additional, prior, or post-grade level content.
- Use Individual Assignments to provide individual students with remediation or enrichment.
How to Assign an Objective:
We have two options for assigning objectives. Begin by signing into your account, Then:
To assign single or multiple Assignments to a class or a student
- Navigate to either the class or the student's page.
- Go to Objectives > Assignments
- Click Add.
- Navigate to the correct grade level and Objective or Standard.
- Select the checkbox for the Objective(s) you wish to assign.
- Indicate whether to add them to the top or bottom of the assignments list.
- Click Assign Selected.
To assign single Assignments to a class, multiple students, or individual students
- Go to Curriculum dropdown > All Learning Objectives
- Organize by Objective or Standard and navigate to the correct grade level.
- Select the Objective you wish to assign and click on the Objective name in the popup.
- Click on Assign This Objective.
- Choose the class.
- Select Entire Class or Individual Students. If individual students, select the student(s).
- Click Assign Selected.
- The Objective will be added to the top of the list.
How to Remove, or Reorder Assigned Objectives:
- Select the class.
- Go to Objectives > Assignments.
- For Class Assignments, click the arrows on the right to move Objectives up or down. Use the gear icon to remove it.
- For Individual Assignments, click Show and then select the student you wish to edit.
- Use Completed and Removed to view assigned Objectives that have been completed by all students or that you have removed. Here you can also Restore any assigned Objectives you have previously removed.
How to allow Student Choice:
By default, students will play the Objectives in the order you set, beginning with the first listed objective. Enabling student choice allows students to play whichever assigned Objective they would like to play.