We have a new Puzzle Talk Platform! Find Legacy Puzzle Talks (PDFs) here.
Puzzle Talks are 5-15 minute, teacher-facilitated mini-lessons using an ST Math puzzle designed to engage students in problem-solving and encourage mathematical discourse. Similar to number talks, or math talks, the goal is to get students to communicate and deepen their understanding of mathematics. The best part? We’ve made it easy for you by providing puzzle sequences and questions to ask along the way - all from your ST Math educator console! |
Contents: |
Accessing Puzzle Talks
Access Puzzle Talk lessons through the Curriculum dropdown menu in your educator console. From there, you can filter the available lessons to meet the needs of your students. Learn More: |
Puzzle Talk Flow
As you facilitate math discourse using the Puzzle Talk platform, consider establishing some helpful routines or using tools to further student thinking. Below, you'll find support resources for each phase of a Puzzle Talk including a guide and tips bookmark to support you along the way.
Start Here: Puzzle Talk Facilitation Guide
Quick Tips: Math Discourse Facilitation Strategies Bookmark
Set the Stage
Establish a purpose and norms before launching a Puzzle Talk. |
Foster Discourse
As students share their thoughts and listen to others, encourage them to dive deeper by asking good questions and responding thoughtfully. |
Extend Thinking
Take a Puzzle Talk to the next level through questions and scenarios that ask students to dig deeper and think flexibly. Try prompts that use:
Routines & Correlations
Puzzle Talks can be used for pre-teach, re-teach, mini-lessons, or as formative assessment. Below, you'll find ideas for incorporating Puzzle Talks into your weekly routines and how to blend it with ST Math 1:1 play.
Weekly Puzzle Talk Routines Use a Puzzle Talk in a variety of weekly routines, perhaps for: |
Pair a Puzzle Talk with ST Math Play |
Puzzle Talks are exciting, but be sure to allow time for students to play ST Math independently! |
Align Puzzle Talks to Curriculum & Standards
Puzzle Talks & the Standards for Mathematical Practice
Standards Alignment: Common Core | TEKS