6 file rostering is used by legacy customers to transfer data in a secure manner from a district's database to the ST Math application. This article explains how to set up the files to transfer information to ST Math using the 6 File process. In order to roster provision in ST Math, a district employee with direct access to your SIS data and an understanding of the data schema is required. Click here for additional help with 6 file uploads.
6 file templates: 6file_rostering.zip
District Database Administrators:
- Must provide SIS extracts with active data using required templates
Will maintain ongoing roster uploads to reflect current information in the SIS to provide access to students and teachers as changes are made.
Address and correct any errors reported in the automated roster file notification email, resubmitting files as needed.
- Should email ST Math Support at support@mindreseach.org regarding any changes to contact information for the district’s DBA.
ST Math SFTP Upload Instructions: ST Math | SFTP Upload Steps
Rostering SFTP Server: https://sftp.stmath.com/
SFTP General Help and Information: https://hostedftp.com/help/
Must use required templates and maintain required file names. Download the templates here.
- schools.csv
- teachers.csv
- sections.csv
- enrollments.csv
- students.csv
- admins.csv (optional, used to define school admins)
- Must contain all active data and include all required fields within each file template.
- Any data removed from the CSV files will be removed from ST Math.
- All required CSV files must be present for upload to be processed. The admins.csv file is optional and does not have to be present for the upload to process.
- All required CSV files must be uploaded per instructions to the /home folder on the SFTP site.
- ST Math processes files that have been uploaded by 9 pm local time. Changes will be reflected the next day.
- At a minimum, new files must be uploaded when there are SIS changes. Automated daily uploads are recommended.
File details:
- You must use comma separated values formatted files (.csv) for all uploads with the format provided in the templates.
- A header row is required. Names of headers must match the template exactly.
- Required fields must be provided. If required fields are not provided, the row will not be processed.
- Optional fields may be left blank.
- ID values ARE case sensitive. For example, nan2381 is NOT the same as NAN2381.
User IDs and usernames must be unique for all users across the district and remain consistent.
If IDs must be changed, please contact support@mindresearch.org as changing IDs will result in errors for the account and may result in lost progress or access.
- District determines login type, either text only or text to visual.
- All CSV files should contain field values separated by commas with line breaks between rows.
- Double quotes around fields are optional except when the field value includes a comma, in which case they are required.
- CSV files should be encoded in UTF-8 format.
- Files should conform to CSV specifications: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
- Ingestion of historical or archived data is not supported.
schools.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
schools.csv Column Name |
school_id | school_name | school_number | state_id | low_grade | high_grade | principal | principal_email | school_address | school_city | school_state | school_zip | school_phone |
Required? | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Format | String | String | String | String | Option | Option | String | String | String | String | String | Integer | |
Description |
Typically, the school local ID or SIS ID. Used in all other Rostering files. Must be unique across the district. |
Name of school | District or county school identifier | State school identifier | The lowest grade at the school. Can be an integer (-2 thru 12), a range (9-12) or Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten or Prekindergarten. If value is a range, the lower bound integer will be used. | The highest grade at the school. Can be an integer (-2 thru 12), a range (9-12) or Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten or Prekindergarten. If value is a range, the higher bound integer will be used. | Principal's full name | Principal’s email address. Must match format x@yourdomain.xyz. Must be unique across the district and be the district/school assigned email account. No special characters allowed other than dash. | School’s address. Must be enclosed in double quotes if it includes a comma. | School’s city. Must be enclosed in double quotes if it includes a comma. | Two letter abbreviation | Alphanumeric 5 or 9 digit ZIP with no punctuation | A 10 or 11 digit phone number |
Example | 12345 | ST Math Elementary | 17 | 141 | Transitional Kindergarten | 5 | Gloria Alvarez | galvarez@yourschool.org | 1357 Math Blvd | Small Town | CA | 86420 | 1234567890 |
teachers.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
teachers.csv Column Name |
school_id | teacher_id | teacher_email | first_name | middle_name | last_name | title | teacher_number | state_teacher_id |
Required? | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | no | no | no |
Format | String | String | String | String | String | String | String | String | |
Description |
School of employment.
Must match an ID provided in schools.csv |
Unique and constant ID for teacher. May be teacher number, state id, or other unique identifier. Must match an ID provided in sections.csv Must be unique across the district. |
Teacher’s email address. Must match format x@yourdomain.xyz Must be unique across the district and be the district/school assigned email account. No special characters allowed other than hyphen or underscore. | Teacher's first name. | Teacher's middle name. May also submit middle initial. |
Teacher's last name. |
Teacher’s role or title. |
Local staff identifier. Must be unique across the district. | State teacher identifier. |
Example | 12345 | tID1111 | dsmith@yourschool.org | DaVonte | L | Smith | Math Teacher | 1534 | 150092 |
sections.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
sections.csv Column Name | school_id | section_id | course_name | teacher_id | teacher_2_id | teacher_3_id | teacher_4_id | name | section_number | grade | course_number | course_description | course_subject | period | term_name | term_start | term_end |
Required? | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Format | String | String | String | String | String | String | String | String | String | Option | String | String | String | String | String | Date | Date |
Description |
The ID of the school where the section is located. Must match an ID provided in schools.csv |
Unique and constant ID for section. Must match an ID provided in enrollments.csv |
Name of the course associated with the section. Will be used to create section names if name column is blank. |
Unique and constant identifier of primary teacher for section. Must match an ID provided in teachers.csv |
*Co-teachers are optional* Unique and constant identifier of supplementary teacher for section. |
*Co-teachers are optional* Unique and constant identifier of supplementary teacher for section. |
*Co-teachers are optional* Unique and constant identifier of supplementary teacher for section. |
Unique name for section and time offered. | Section identifier. | See Grade Map below. | Identifier for the course. | A description of the course associated with the section. | The subject of the course. | Bell schedule information for section. |
The name of the term associated with the section. Ex: Year, S1, Q3 |
First day of term. Date format (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Last day of term. Date format (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Example | 12345 | MathSectionA | Math 5 | tID1111 | tID2222 | tID3333 | tID4444 | Math 5 - Period 1A | 2345 | 5 | 3456 | Grade 5 Math | Math | 1A | S1 | 08/16/2021 | 05/28/2022 |
enrollments.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
enrollments.csv Column Name |
school_id | section_id | student_id |
Required? | yes | yes | yes |
Format | String | String | String |
Description |
School of employment. Must match an ID provided in schools.csv |
Unique and constant ID for section. Must match an ID provided in sections.csv |
Unique and constant ID for student. Must match an ID provided in students.csv
Example | 12345 | MathSectionA | StuID987 |
students.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
Admins are created with School Admin access. They can be upgraded to School Super Admin access inside of ST Math. How do I change the access level of a staff account
students.csv Column Name | school_id | student_id | first_name | middle_name | last_name | grade | username | password | login_type | gender | dob | student_email | student_number | state_id |
Required? | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | yes - unless SSO is in use | yes - unless SSO is in use | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Format | String | String | String | String | String | Option | String | String | String | Option | Date | String | String | |
Description |
Primary school of enrollment. Must match an ID provided in schools.csv |
Unique and constant ID for student. Must match an ID provided in enrollments.csv
Student's first name. |
Student's middle name. May also submit middle initial. |
Student's last name. | See Grade Map Below. | Unique and constant student username for signing into ST Math. |
Student’s default password for signing into ST Math.
"text" or "visual" *If blank, "text" is default. |
M or F |
Date of birth. Date format (MM/DD/YYYY)
Student’s email address. Must match format x@yourdomain.xyz Must be unique across the district and be the district/school assigned email account. No special characters allowed other than hyphen or underscore. | Local student identifier. Must be unique across the district. | State student identifier |
Example | 12345 | StuID987 | Fatima | A | Patel | 3 | fpatel987 | pf192020876 | text | F | 08/01/2012 | fpatel@yourschool.org | 901987 | 901987000 |
Grade Mapping:
Rostering Value |
PreKindergarten |
Transitional Kindergarten |
Kindergarten |
Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Grade 3 | Grade 4 | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 | Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
Field Value (not case sensitive) |
-2, pk, prek, or Prekindergarten |
-1, Transitional Kindergarten, or tk |
0, Kinder, Kindergarten, k, or kg |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
OPTIONAL admins.csv - Header, fields, and descriptions (required fields in green):
admins.csv Column Name |
school_id | staff_id | admin_email | first_name | last_name | admin_title |
Required? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Format | String | String | String | String | String | |
Description |
School of employment. Must match an ID provided in schools.csv |
Unique and constant identifier. Must be unique across the district. |
Administrator's email address. Must be unique across the district and be the district assigned school email account. No special characters allowed other than hyphen or underscore. | The admin's first name | The admin's last name | Admin’s job title - either principal, school admin, or leave blank |
Example | 12345 | SP5416 | galvarez@yourschool.org | Gloria | Alvarez | Principal |
Initial Upload:
- Notify your Regional Implementation Manager when the set of first files are uploaded to the /home folder.
- Our team will test your files and run in our production environment if possible, creating accounts and classes.
- If needed, our team will provide errors preventing account creation and enrollment.
- Database Administrator corrects errors and uploads corrected files with all active data, not just corrections to /home folder. Any data removed from the CSV files will be removed from ST Math.
- This process may be repeated as needed.
Continuing Uploads:
- Any questions or concerns should be directed to ST Math Support at support@mindresearch.org.
- New files must contain all active data. Any data removed from the CSV files will be removed from ST Math.
- ST Math processes files each night. Files should be uploaded by 8 pm local time for your district to reflect changes the next day. No notification is needed when files are uploaded.
- When CSV files are processed, the Database Administrator will receive a Roster Provisioning Status Report email with information on any errors from the file.
- If errors are noted, the Database Administrator must make corrections and resubmit the full set of files to be processed again.
- When files are processed, a time stamp is appended to the file name.
- The processed file should not be removed from the sftp folder by the district.
- At a minimum, new files must be uploaded when there are SIS changes. Automated daily uploads are recommended.
Checklist for Rostering:
- Did you upload your files to the /home folder in your sftp folder?
- Did you name the files with the name provided in the templates?
- Do the names of your headers match the templates exactly?
- Did you include all active data? Any data removed from the files will be removed from ST Math.
- Did you check the errors listed on the Roster Provisioning Status Report and correct them?
- Are the IDs and usernames unique for each user across the district?
- Have the IDs and usernames remained constant? If IDs have changed, please alert ST Math Support at support@mindresearch.org.
Click here if you additional questions regarding your
file uploads or errors in your files.
6 file templates: 6file_rostering.zip
ST Math SFTP Upload Instructions: ST Math | SFTP Upload Steps
Rostering SFTP Server: https://sftp.stmath.com/
SFTP General Help and Information: https://hostedftp.com/help/